Advent is a special season for the Church. It is the time when the world prepares to celebrate the coming of Christ. Often, we lose sight of the point of this season because we get caught up in our preparations for Christmas and arrive at Christmas no more transformed than we were at the start of Advent.
A way that our parish is seeking to prepare for Jesus’ birth and experience true transformation in this powerful season is by engaging with a new program from Ascension. This program is Rejoice! Advent Meditations with the Holy Family. This year, we will walk with Mary and Joseph as they prepare to welcome their son, the Savior of the World!
Rejoice! is an opportunity for our whole community to enter into the season of Advent intentionally and receive the grace God is waiting to give us in this holy season.
We have the opportunity to walk together, following the Holy Family on their journey to Bethlehem.
We at Christ the Redeemer want to invite you and your family, to join our whole community to enter into the season of Advent. We have the opportunity to walk together, following the Holy Family on their journey to Bethlehem.
This Advent prepare for the birth of Jesus with the Holy Family and yours! Follow along with the videos with the Rejoice Journal! Journals can be picked up in our church office!
Beginning on Sunday November 29th at 8PM ET
This year on the Sundays in Advent, we invite you to Rejoice! LIVE with Fr. Mark Toups as he joins us LIVE via Ascension's YouTube page. We’ll be coming together to share in the beautiful tradition of the Advent wreath to pray, unpack the Sunday Scripture reading, and prepare our hearts for the coming week of Advent.
Each Sunday Father will begin by leading us together in lighting the Advent wreath and praying the prayers found on the backs of the Rejoice! Advent Prayer Cards. We look forward to seeing you there.
November 29th 7PM CST/ 8PM ET - Blessing of the Advent Wreath and Lighting of the First Candle
December 6th 7PM CST/ 8PM ET - The Lighting of the Second Candle
December 13th 7PM CST/ 8PM ET - The Lighting of the Third Candle
December 20th 7PM CST/ 8PM ET - The Lighting of the Fourth Candle