Mass on the Grass:
Dear Christ the Redeemer Parishioners,
I come to you with fantastic News. Mass on the Grass will be celebrated at Christ the Redeemer at 9:00 AM on Sunday, May 10th in the field next to the Family Center. The field will be prepared and open for seating beginning at 8:30am. Anyone arriving prior to 8:30 AM is asked to remain in their vehicle until 8:30 AM. Everyone attending Mass on the Grass must wear a face mask and bring a lawn chair or blanket. All social distancing guidelines will be followed.
To be better prepared to receive our families, we ask that you call our office at (985) 447-2013 when prompted please dial ext. 208 and leave a message with your name and how many people will attend with you.
For those unable to attend Mass on the Grass, our 11:00 AM Mass will still be live-streamed via our Facebook page as we have these past few weeks.
The following guidelines are the result of the best-collected wisdom and are agreed upon by the civil authorities, the leadership of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux, and the staff here at Christ the Redeemer. Our intention is to keep all who are involved safe and to do our fair share to slow the spread of the Coronavirus. These precautions will be taken very seriously.
All must wear a facemask for the duration of the liturgy except when receiving communion. We will have an extremely limited number of masks for those who forget. However, you should not count on these being available because once we are out; people who arrive after will be asked to remain in their vehicles. Please bring a mask for your face.
Family members who live in the same house together may be seated together.
Each group must be seated six feet away in all directions from the next closest group.
Please bring your own lawn chairs and/or blanket/tarp. Once you arrive your family will be directed by a staff member to an appropriately distanced location. Please remain in that location for the duration of the liturgy.
Communion will be brought to you. Rather than lining up as we normally do. The priests will walk around the field to distribute communion. We will only be distributing the precious body at this time. You are encouraged to receive on the hand.
There will be a stationary collection basket located near the altar. You may use it to drop off your donation. Please be cautious to maintain the six-foot distance as you do this.
As there should be no physical contact between guests not living in the same household, please resist the temptation to socialize closely or to linger after the Mass. When Mass is completed please make your way to your vehicle and return home. I know that there are many who would want to help, for this first Mass as we gather again you can best help us by following the above guidelines.
In order not to put yourself or others at risk, if you are sick, immunodeficient, or care for some who is, it is strongly encouraged that you participate in Mass either with our live feed at 11:00 AM or with Bishop Fabre on HTV at 9:00 AM. The dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass on Sunday has not been removed. Therefore, if you cannot or chose not to attend Sunday Mass you will not be sinning.
Finally, please help our Christ the Redeemer family by sharing this letter with as many people as you can. Only with your assistance can we assure that every Christ the Redeemer parishioner who wants to attend our outdoor Mass can hear about it. Thank you.
Fr. Alex Gaudet