Consecration of Our Country to the Card of our Blessed Mother.
Dear Christ the Redeemer Parishioners,
Greetings in the Lord. On Friday, May 1, Archbishop Jose Gomez who serves as the Archbishop of Los Angeles and the President of the US Conference of Catholic Bishop will re-consecrate the United States of America to the Care of Our Blessed Mother. His consecration will begin at 2:00 PM our time and will be viewable on the USCCB’s social media pages. He has encouraged his fellow bishops to also hold this consecration in their own dioceses and to encourage parishes and families to do likewise. As such Bishop Fabre intends to celebrate this consecration for the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux at 1:45 PM just prior to Archbishop Gomez.
For our parish, Fr. Prentice and I will celebrate this consecration as immediately following our daily Mass livestream which begins at 7:30 AM. Below is a link to the ritual so that you can follow along for our prayer service. I encourage you to participate in one of these three online consecrations.
Further, I encourage you to consecrate your family and home to the Protection of our Lady on the same day. Below is a link to the prayer service. I encourage you to pray this prayer to deepen your connection to the Lord, make an act of faith, and commend yourself to Our Lady’s protection.
The worship aid and other information can be found here: http://usccb.org/about/communications/consecration.cfm
You should not need to create an account to follow along with the following videos.
Christ the Redeemer Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ctr.htdiocese
USCCB Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/usccb
USCCB Twitter: https://twitter.com/USCCB
USCCB Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/USCCB/
“Consecration, in general, is an act by which a thing is separated from a common and profane to a sacred use, or by which a person or thing is dedicated to the service and worship of God by prayers, rites, and ceremonies.” Catholic Encyclopedia, NewAdvent.com
In this context, the Consecration to the Care of Our Blessed Mother is a ritual prayer in which we ask Our Lady’s protection in a serious and ongoing way because of Coronavirus pandemic. It is an act of faith on the part of all those who participate.
Fr. Alex Gaudet